About the company

Description of the Company

Promontoria MACC 1X1 Socimi, S.A.U. is a real estate investment company (SOCIMI) established for the purpose of acquiring granular residential properties on an asset-by-asset basis to be leased on long term agreements through its subsidiaries Promontoria MACC RE SOCIMI, S.A.U., Promontoria MACC RE 2, S.A.U. and Promontoria MACC MARINA RE, S.A.U..

The Group’s business model consists of

  • (i) acquiring residential properties,
  • (ii) refurbishing the properties to make them suitable for rent and
  • (iii) leasing the properties on long term rental contracts to generate rental income.

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Composition of the BOD

Name Position
José La Roche Riesgo Chairman
Carlos Moreno Planas Vice - Chairman
Gerardus Johannes Schipper Member of the board
Selina Neira Bustamante Secretary - Non Director
Álvaro Nieto Gómez Vicesecretary - Non Director

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Shareholder Structure

Sole shareholder

Promontoria Mahou Designated Activity Company NIF: N0177999 Domicilio: 3RD Floor Kilmore House, Park Lane, Spencer Dock, Dublin 662880 (Irlanda)

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